When I was in school, (for Exercise Physiology) each
movement began “from neutral pelvis”, but no one ever explained how to find
neutral pelvis. How far do you stick
your backside out? How much do you tuck
your pelvis? This has always concerned
me. And no wonder! I recently looked up the psoas in one of my
old Anatomy books, and it barely had a paragraph about it. I can’t believe that. It’s such an important muscle in the health
of your back, and it just had a paragraph!
Of course I had a hard time finding neutral pelvis, not to mention what
a hard time I had teaching my personal training clients about neutral
But then, I went to yoga teacher training. I studied under Stephanie Keach, at Asheville
Yoga Center (awesome yoga teacher training program, if you get a chance to
go!). Stephanie teaches a technique she
calls “Pez”, like the candy. I’ll show
you what she’s talking about in the workshop.
Suddenly, I understood! Yay for
But over the years, with so much teaching, I started to have
trouble with my left hip and sacro-illiac joint. What was going on? I was practicing Pez!
Last fall, I went to the workshop at AYC with John
Friend. John looked at me, and
immediately knew I had been tucking my pelvis under too much. All these years of teaching yoga had
strengthened my abs to the point that they overwhelmed my back muscles.
So, I’ve modified Stephanie’s Pez just a little bit,
added a bit of John Friend’s advice, as
well as my own experiences, and have come up with a workshop I call “Neutral
Pelvis”. If you have back pain, or know
someone who does, try this workshop!
Hope to see you there!