Friday, November 30, 2012

New Year's Resolution Weight Management Program

The time is upon us!  People are thinking beyond the Holidays and into the New Year.  My husband actually told me something he thinks I should resolve to do in 2013.  I thought that was my job?  Oh, well.
But many of us are resolving to eat better this year, to lose weight, or just for health reasons.  It's one of my New Year's Resolutions.  I eat pretty healthfully, but sometimes, I cheat & eat junk.  I'm going to do better!
One way you can get help to "do better" is through a program we're offering at the studio.  It's a Weight Management Program, with Registered Dietitian, Cindy Holmes.  I've spoken to Cindy at-length about healthy eating, and I love what she has so say.  She's all about the REAL FOOD.
If you join the program, you'll get a PERSONALIZED plan, designed specifically for you, based on your lifestyle.  You can jump-start December 15th, or meet with her to begin January 1.  There are 3 levels of our plan, from the basics, all the way up to a lot of extra care and attention from Cindy.  She'll walk with you every step of the way.
Registration is $25, but plans start at just $99 for 3-months.  You can't beat the price.
For more info & to register, go to

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