Men who drink sugary drinks have a 20% higher risk of heart disease and higher levels of blood lipids. This is from IDEA Fitness Journal, May 2012. The writer sites research by Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD of Harvard School of Public Health. If you’re a man who drinks 12-oz sugary drink every day, your heart is at risk!
Even after controlling for other risk factors, these sweet drinks still have an effect. The men in the study had higher triglycerides and CRPs (an inflammation marker) and lower levels of HDL cholesterol. All of which are pointing to heart disease!
I’m heart-broken! I always go for the “real sugar” instead of all the fake stuff. What about my cokes from Mexico? I’m assuming that if it’s this pronounced with men, it applies to women, too.
Oh, well. I’m grateful for honey. Raw, local honey only makes the heart happy.
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