Monday, June 3, 2013

Doctor shortage in the U.S.

I heard on the radio this morning that the US is expected to have a shortage of Physicians soon.  Maybe this should frighten me more than it does.  But I just see it as an opportunity.  It's an opportunity to teach our neighbors to heal themselves.
(Look out.  I'm about to get a little controversial here)
One of the reasons we're experiencing this "shortage" is that people go to the doctor for every little thing.  A case of the sniffles shouldn't send you running to the emergency room.
Another reason is that we, as a country, no longer take care of ourselves.  The obesity rate has skyrocketed, even in my lifetime.  We no longer get outside and work for a living.  We sit behind the computer, eating Doritos.  At night, we eat a microwave meal while watching Honey Boo-Boo.  And we wonder why we're so sick!  When will Americans wake up and stop torturing our own bodies?
Also, we've lost the ability to care for ourselves at home.  Our ancestors knew so many at-home remedies, and employed them regularly for self-care.
I'm not saying "don't go to the doctor".  Modern medicine has done so many amazing things and has saved so many lives.  But when are we going to begin to take responsibility for our own actions and behavior patterns?
For those of us who practice alternative healing methods, it's time to start educating.  Talk about the herbs you use, talk about how much water you try to drink.  Talk about how good your yoga classes make you feel.  Help them see another way. 
I believe that if everyone took responsibility for their own health, the demand on the Physicians would be less.  It would only be the sick who see the doctor, freeing up a lot of time for these great healers to heal.
I know this is an opinionated post, and I'd love to hear your comments.

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