Saturday, June 8, 2013

Everyday Adventures

In looking over an older Yoga Journal mag, I came across an article entitled, “everyday adventures”.  It's just a tiny clip, and offers the following as adventures in the day-to-day:

-talk to a stranger at a cafe, or in line at the grocery store

-try cooking a vegetable you've never eaten before

-go the long way to work and take in the fresh sights

-take a yoga class with a teacher you've never studied with.

This got me I have an adventure every day?


Some adventures I've tried lately have been:

-ordered my Ahi Tuna steak all the way “rare”(loved it!)

-bought a new shade of lip gloss (how shocking!)

-got a haircut at a place I'd never tried

-hired on a new instructor

-grew turnips for the first time (they look good.  We’ll see how they taste)

-placed an order for a new product I’m not sure will sell


There are adventures to be had today, if you just start looking for them.  What adventures have you had lately?


  1. I bought a pair of binoculars and am learning about the birds I hear singing around me every morning when I do my hot-tub yoga stretches. Starting to get the hang of using the binoculars, slowly. Also learning, slowly, about how to really notice nature. Learned I am going to be a bird grandma soon, there is a nest of warblers, I think, in my garden, and one that I think is a chimney swift in my birdhouse.
